
Here´s the itinerary for our  United flight:
 Leaving Iowa!
Departure             FEB 19, 2011
07:01AM            UA6272 (flight number)            Cedar Rapids to Chicago
Arrive Chicago 8:15AM
                        12:46pm              UA851 (flight number)            Chicago to Peking
Arrival             FEB 20, 2011                       
4:25 PM Peking (this is 4:25AM in Iowa)

Departure             FEB 28, 2011
            5:25 PM             UA850 (flight number)             Peking to Chicago
            Arrive Chicago  4:27 PM
                        8:04PM             UA6297(flight number)            Chicago to Cedar Rapids
Arrival             FEB 28, 2011           
                        9:02PM Cedar Rapids